Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I Will Follow

If you haven't watched this video yet, I highly recommend it.  

I Will Follow, is a powerful 10 minute film by Ascension Press featuring the testimonies of Fr. Mike Schmitz & Fr. Josh Johnson and their journey to the priesthood. I Will Follow is taken from the study, Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed.

This video should be considered a "Must Watch" on every single Catholic man's (boy's) list of videos to watch.  If videos were around like this back in the 1990s, who knows ... many more of us may have become priests!

Now, while it's geared towards the priesthood, married men should watch it too.  Who knows... perhaps the diaconate is calling you!

And for all of you faithful mothers, future mothers, nuns, sisters, consecrated virgins, single ladies, and young girls reading this post... this video should be on your list of videos to watch too, as we all know men & boys who The Lord might be calling to be His Priest.

This video is very inspiring and it really does give you a new insight into who are priests are as people.  Too often, we place our priests on a pedestal and fail to realize that they are people too. Sometimes we assume that they were born devout Catholics from devout families and were reared to be priests from the time they were baptized.

However, the truth is that some of our best priests experienced conversion experiences later, whether while in high school or while in / after college.  Some even after a becoming widowed or even abandoned by "ex-wives."

The point is, every priest has his own personal story regarding how God called him to be His Priest, but they all share one thing in common... they all answered God with "yes, I will follow.  I will be Your Priest."

How will you answer?  Will you follow?


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